At the end of 2019, Enfield Council signed a Development Agreement with Vistry Partnerships to deliver “Meridian One”, the first phase of the £6 billion Meridian Water development, which will deliver a mixed use development of approximately 1000 homes, as well as over 2000 sq.m of leisure, retail, employment and community spaces. These homes will be delivered adjacent to the new Meridian Water station, which opened in summer 2019, and will serve up to four million passengers each year at its peak. The scheme will also deliver new public open spaces and improve connections between the Meridian Water Station and Upper Edmonton.
The development will provide 50% affordable housing overall, with 25% Council homes overall, and 25% ‘intermediate’ homes overall. The Council homes will be for London Affordable Rent (LAR) and the intermediate homes will include shared ownership homes and be aimed at first time buyers and key workers. The 50% private homes will include homes for sale and for rent. Outline planning permission is already in place and a Reserved Matters Application is now due to be submitted by Vistry Partnerships for the first 300 homes. This will enable construction works to start by spring 2021 for the first new Council homes, with the first completions in 2022.
Vistry Partnerships are now actively consulting on their plans and welcome comments & input from the community as to their plans.
You can now read more, join consultation events and comment here as per the links: https://meridianoneconsultation.co.uk/en/