
28 August 2020 - 11:13 AM

Artworks reflect the visions for Upper Edmonton

Stunning artworks on hoardings surrounding the first phase of the £6 billion Meridian Water project have been officially revealed as part of the Enjoy Enfield Summer fortnight.

Three Enfield artists – Adam David, Karen Rubins and Duncan James – worked with the local community and schools to deliver their modern-day masterpieces reflecting the past, present and future of Upper Edmonton and the Meridian Water regeneration scheme.

They were selected after a competitive tender process last year and worked with Meridian Angel Primary School, Northside Youth and Community Connections and West Lea School to get their designs on the hoardings around Meridian Water Station at Angel Edmonton Road.

The works were unveiled as part of a fortnight of free, outdoor arts and culture events organised by Enfield Council to showcase local talent and to thank the borough for all they have done to help communities throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

The artists each chose a different style and were influenced by their young ‘co-workers’. They will not only have a positive impact on the young people and their families who live and work around the Angel Edmonton area. They will also be seen by passengers and commuters who use the Meridian Water Train Station.

Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan said: “The artists, school children and young people have produced artwork which encapsulate our vision for Meridian Water – a place in Enfield, for the people of Enfield.

“These vibrant and fun representations of the area are timely reminders of the vision we have for Meridian Water.”

The £6 billion Meridian Water scheme is seeking to provide 10,000 homes and 6,000 jobs and to create 8.2 hectares of parkland in the Lea Valley over the coming 25 years.

Enfield Council has taken control of the vision and delivery of Meridian Water to ensure that local people are the principal beneficiaries. It aims to provide thousands of affordable homes and quality jobs in Enfield as well new schools, community and health services, nurseries, shops and youth and leisure facilities.

The hoardings are free to view. More information can be found here: https://www.enfieldfestivals.co.uk/page/art-hoardings-at-meridian-water/

• More about the artists and their works at Meridian Water.

Karen Rubins http://karenrubinsart.com/

Karen worked with year 6 Meridian Angel Primary School students, to devise characters representing the past, present and future of Meridian Water and Angel Edmonton. The piece is located next to the school where they will see their characters tell a literal story of the development of the place in which they live and study.

Adam David https://www.adamdavidart.com/

Adam worked with two local youth groups who focused on positive messaging and positivity reflected in the phrase The Time is Now. The themes include paths to be followed, the future sustainability and diversity of the place and self-reflection. The piece works well close up but also from afar, where it can be enjoyed by passengers waiting on the train station platform and commuters on trains.

Duncan James https://clunkydoodles.com/

Duncan’s work is less literal, using cartoon blocks to tell the story. He worked with a number of pupils from the West Lea School, supporting those with learning difficulties. Again, his art can be interpreted up close or at a distance. The characters and scenes include playing sport, DJs playing music, trains arriving at the station. He developed a very good relationship with the school – so much so he is due to paint a mural in their assembly hall.4

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